Simply Speaking Brief

Learning spoken English in the most efficient way, through the telling of stories.

It's simple. Read a story or article then attempt to retell that story in your own words.

     Step 1: Read the story or article. Look up any vocabulary you are not familiar with. Do your best to understand what you are reading. 

    Step 2: Say the story aloud to yourself, an audio recorder, or a friend, but do NOT look at the story/article.

    Step 3: Look at the story/article again to see how you did or how you can improve.

    Step 4: Repeat steps 1 - 3

    Note: The goal is NOT to memorize, but to be able to remember the key points and then retell the story in your own words. Try to pick up a few vocabulary words or phrasal expressions to improve your English, but it is not necessary to memorize everything. Of course, you may try to memorize if you like.

If you are a beginner. Try doing this with simple children stories. There is no such thing as "children English." We continue to use the words and phrases we learn as a child throughout our adult lives.


